
Showing posts from March, 2020


I wrote the following before I knew when we were leaving. The next morning we found out we were leaving the next day. So, in the rush to inform the other senior missionaries that they had just a few hours to pack up and clean their apartments and pack up ourselves, I didn't update or publish this. But here it is. I am sad. We are going back to Oregon. We haven't even had a chance to really get to know Rome. We hope to be back a a couple of months, but nothing is certain at this time. The one thing that is certain is that we are leaving on              and we will be self quarantined for 2 weeks. We'll be staying at a Extended Stay and then we don't know where. I keep thinking of this scripture: "If thou art called to pass through  tribulation... And if thou shouldst be cast into the  pit , or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast  into the  deep ; if the billowing surge conspir...

The Rome Temple

You might have heard that the Rome Temple has been closed due to The Virus. Truth is, the government has banned all meetings where people can not be more than a meter apart. It came out with a statement that said people should not greet each other with a kiss or even a hand shake. The decision to close the temple I'm sure was a hard one.The temple was scheduled to close for it's annual maintenance in a week, so it just gave the workers in the temple a little extra time to do some travel.  We live 5 minutes or less away from the temple. It is a really beautiful building. We have not had the opportunity to go inside, but I did take some beautiful pictures. Enjoy! The Beautiful Rome Temple! I'm not sure if you can tell. This water feature symbolizes The Living Water. It flows from the Temple to the statue of Christ at the visitors center.  You can see the beautiful stained glass.  Close up of the stained glass. Pictures don't do it justice. T...

The first week!

We have survived our first week! Some of the things we have done:      * Moved into our apartment.(See pictures below).      * We went to church, which is right next to the temple.      * We went to the post office to get an appointment, to get permission to stay in the country. We didn't have all of our paperwork, so ...      * Went to the post office again the next day. We got our appointment, the appointment isn't until June.       * Went to the Agenzia Entrate so we could get our tax number. We waited for an hour, outside in the chilly weather. But a very nice young lady helped me because I don't speak Italian.       * Did three baptism certificates. In spite of the one missionary that put the date of 30 February.       * Trying to get used to an Italian keyboard. Who knew that it would be so different? But they have different letters with different accents and stuff...