
Showing posts from February, 2020

Let's all panic!

We all know about The virus. They are finding it all over the world, including Italy.  We got a call from our mission yesterday before lunch. They have been trying to buy hand sanitizer. They had looked all over Europe and it was all backordered. So they asked us to see if we could bring some with us. They wanted 200 personal size bottles. We couldn't find enough of the small bottles at one location. We did find large bottles and we told them to find some small bottles to put it in.  Truth is carona virus is no more or less deadly than influenza. If you wash your hands properly, and generally take care of yourself, the threat is not that bad.  PLEASE DON'T PANIC!  Having said that, please keep us and all missionaries in your prayers.  I love you all! Ciao! 

Missionary Training Center or MTC


I'm always over weight, with my luggage that is.

My carry-ons  And so it begins! After getting rid of a bunch of cra...I mean stuff, we are on our way. First stop is Salt Lake City, where bought a new suitcase. The drama that is luggage: When you travel international you can check two suitcases for free. Richard packed a regular size suitcase and one carry-on size to check. I, of course packed two regular size suitcases. The night before we left we weighed mine. One over, one slightly under. Shuffle weigh, shuffle weigh, shuffle weigh, at least three times, probably more like four or five. We finally got the weight right. Or so we thought. Then getting my stuff to the car,  it became obvious that my roller carry-on didn't roll very well. At the airport they weighed them. One of my suitcases was 52 pounds the other 51. Both got to have a tag "HEAVY", should I be offended? We made a decision in the airport that when we get to Utah we are buying a full size bag, I will use Richard's carry-on and he will have ...